And Now, a Billion for the Food Police?
HR 875….uh no.
Islamic Law's Influence in America a Growing Concern
We cannot post the 10 Commandments on a federal building, but we have to build footbaths.
Cops Block Neighbors Trying to Rescue Family From Fatal Fire
This strikes me of the mentality cops have a road-blocks to keep people from going into their houses after a disaster. "You are going to shoot me and kill me to keep me from dying when the house collapses on me?" Now how much sense does that make? "You are not going to allow me to risk my life to save a family? I know I may not live through the rescue, that is my choice!" "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
Nearly 2 Million Teens Depressed, Government Urges Screening for All
The government wants your kids fat, dumb, and happy so that they can be brainwashed or go on shooting sprees after being drugged.
Explosions, Fireballs Spotted in Skies Above Virginia
Signs in the heavens? Probably just a piece of space junk from that collision a few weeks back.
The Twenty-First-Century Abolitionist Project: Slavery and Taxation
Tax revolt anyone?
Chickens vs. property values
I want some chickens.
Toy-gun sales ban advances to House
Really? I am dumbfounded.
G20 protesters face police with Tasers
Sounds like a good time, I got my shirt cleaned today. Tase me Bro!
White House to let Chrysler fail
"…Chrysler hasn't had "any negotiations" with JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, which holds the firm's debt." Hmm, the usual suspects.
Londoners photographed 425 times a day
Coming soon, to a street near you, Big Brother 2009, an upgrade from our 1984 version.
Al Gore ignores 'Earth Hour'
Do as I say not as I do. ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS. That's ok though, he pays for carbon offsets.
Who will raise kids: Mom, Dad or state?
Wow, something good actually comes out of congress?
Standards under scrutiny as food giants explore nanotechnology
The world has gone insane.
The ammo boom is no dud
Stock up boys.
NFL Player Detained While Rushing to Dying Mother-in-Law Accepts Officer's Apology
I wonder if he would have apologized if he weren't dragged through the media.
Ahead of G20 summit, council told to switch off illegal £15m CCTV network
Wow, that is convenient, no video of agent provocateurs.
Kansans to vote on gun ownership amendment
More power to you, Kansas.
Pension insurer shifted to stocks
Talk about great timing!