Federal Officials Deny Report That Obama Seeks to End Pilot Gun Program
Who knows what to believe from the mainstream media, but they did do some backtracking late yesterday on this one.
Obama climate plan costs $2 trillion
Yeah this is a great idea.
$750 billion "green" investment could revive economy: U.N.
There is the global tax that will fund the globalists.
Citigroup May Spend $10 Million for Executive Suite
Your tax dollars at work.
Dodd: Treasury insisted on allowing bonus money
Whatever Dodd, if you didn’t know what this amendment would do, then you shouldn’t have inserted it, you should resign out of your ignorance.
Israeli army ordered to devise Iran war
This will be happening soon. Will the U.S. back this war?
"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of reeling to all the people around, and it shall also be against Judah in the siege against Jerusalem. And on that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the peoples; all who burden themselves with it shall be grievously hurt. And all the peoples of the earth shall be gathered together against it" (Zechariah 12:2-3).
French unions claim 3m on street
I wonder if the mainstream media will pick up this one?
Paul: Bill to tax bonuses an 'outrage' and unconstitutional
I really admire Dr. Paul, he rails and rails, screams truth to the top of his lungs, and nobody listens to him. That has got to be frustrating!
Tsunami Warning Issued After 7.9 Magnitude Quake Hits South Pacific
Even more birthing pains.