Interesting theory, wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
Obama attack on oil & gas industry begins
I am totally convinced that they are pulling levers and pushing buttons in Washington with the sole purpose of pushing this country to revolution in order to declare martial law and usher in their one-world government (bank). Classic problem-reaction-solution metodology.
Fed Refuses to Release Bank Lending Data, Insists on Secrecy, Says it Isn’t Subject to FOIA Law
Ben Bernanke traitor
This statement has been overused but: The Federal Reserve is as federal as Federal Express.
Senator: Eligibility is up to the voters
I am truly embarrassed for the citizens of Florida, I cannot believe they have elected an official with such a flawed logic as this man. Senator Martinez, you really need to look up the definition between a democracy and a republic. The voters have no say in whether an individual is qualified to run or not.
U.N. to make ban on criticizing Islam mandatory?
If any idea, religion or otherwise, cannot stand up to scrutiny, then how valuable is that idea to start with?
Report: Israel nears attacking Iran
So do they have a bomb or not, the story changes every day.
Putin denies new world currency rumor
“The United States’ financial and political authorities would never surrender the dollar; they would fight to the end,” Yes Mr. Putin, we would, that is exactly why we have to be destroyed first.
NAIS ALERT: H.R. 814 will make NAIS federal law
And this is how they will make sure that you cannot feed your family.
FEMA Camps Outed on Fox
I linked this video earlier, but the author presents the conclusions very succinctly.
Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial in Poland
Don’t take the vaccine, pray that Sambucol gets you through it if you catch it. The vaccine might kill you.
Ark. Panel Rejects State Sovereignty Resolution
Yep, that’s it, people in Arkansas are clueless.
Thousands Gather To Protest New York Budget Cuts
Well, I haven’t seen this on the mainstream news.
The Groundwork Has Already Been Laid for Martial Law
Well this lays it all out.
HR 875 Would Essentially Outlaw Family Farms In The United States
Now, we can’t have you feeding yourself now, can we?
No Political or Judicial Support for 2A
Know this people, they will come for your guns.
Steeped in taxes and ready for tea
We might be having a tea party here before long.
America: an apathetic union?
This is sad, but this is what we have become, people so wrapped up in their own lives, they don’t know what is going on around them. These people are in for a rude awakening in the very near future.
Barack Obama 'too tired' to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown
Poor guy is just pooped. I guess he needs some more sleep.
How safe is your deposit box
Interesting what the government will do when they are broke.
This Is What A Collapse Looks Like
Ah, so this is where Iceland got the saucepan idea. I can see this here, only difference is we have guns, we’ll shoot back.
Vaccine maker's snafu sparks pandemic scare
American media are starting to pick up the story, and even now, Baxter’s stock is not dropping like it should. This should have been headlines considering it could have wiped out 60% of the population. Hmm, doesn’t the Bible say 2/3 of the world will die?
Smart Grid: Government spying targets Rural America
Off the grid is sounding more attractive every day.
The End of the World . . . As We Knew It
Key quote here, KEY QUOTE: “Hitler came to power when people lost hope in the government and financial markets.” CHOOSE YOUR LEADERS WELL!
Can you survive economic crisis?
Stock up people!