Global Elite Picked Obama Long Before Voters
Well, isn’t that special?
Russia's Medvedev orders large-scale rearmament
Well, doesn’t this tie in perfect with the above article?
Bailouts Are Taxation Without Representation
Yeah, I believe we have revolted about that before.
Mexico Retaliates With Tariffs on U.S. Products
Now that is a great idea, protectionism all around! Down with the Free Trade, Down with the Globalists, Down with the Banksters!
‘Fusion center’ data draws fire over assertions
I have a copy of the document, this article leaves out that you are also grouped with racists, not just Neo-Nazi’s.
Lose your property for growing food?
This has to stop.
Push to audit Federal Reserve gains steam
This is a good sign, but is Gene L. Dodaro, comptroller general of the U.S. part of one of these three organizations, Bildeburg, The Council on Foreign Relations, or The Trilateral Commission? If he is, then this is a useless endeavor.
State considers return to gold, silver dollars
I wanna move to Montana!
Banned hyperlinks could cost you $11,000 a day
Seriously?Rage at AIG Swells As Bonuses Go Out
Out come the pitchforks again!
US$6,948 gold would support greenback
This is bad.
The FDIC: as Rock Solid as Social Security
“...the vast majority of the Deposit Fund's assets are held in U.S. Treasuries.” WHAT? This is becoming laughable my friends!
When Is It Going To Be Enough, America?
Going great guns: Handheld, semiautomatic sales increase
Yeah, I can imagine.
U.S. Injecting Billions Into Foreign Central Banks
Did you expect anything less?