Everyone reading this, listen to me now, and listen close. A man told me in July when oil was at $140 dollars a barrel, that the price of a barrel of oil was going to $50 and that it would stay at that level or below for the rest of 2009. It happened. How did he know it? He knew this because he had been told that it was going to happen by someone on the inside. I tell you this as to testify to the veracity of this man. He knows what he is talking about and has been right about many other things in the past.
Now here is the important part. He was also told that in 9-12 months there would be a crisis so severe that it would take years for America to recover. Currently farmers are getting $3 a bushel for corn, unfortunately it is costing them $5.50 a bushel to raise it. Wheat is at $5 with $6 to $7 to raise it. In the outrageously stupid banker bailout bill, and the spendulus package there was no help for the farmers. What does that mean? That means that the farmers cannot afford to plant their crops. What does that mean for you and me? It means that come this fall, there will not be any food on the shelves. Ironically, that fits right into that 9 - 12 month timeframe. People, listen to me, stock up on food, figure out how to store it. You are going to need it. You have nothing to lose here if you stock up. You can always eat it later if this man is wrong, which I hope he is. If you don't stock up though, you do have everything to lose. Tell your friends, tell your family, buy food, buy precious metals (specifically silver) DO SOMETHING!
Minnesota Prepares For Martial Law - Building Military Check Points - Owned by UN Fema
Once again, not confirmed but wouldn’t surprise me a bit.
Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries
Publishers Crank Out Children's Books on Obama
“Rumbles of a larger presence?”
Oil falls below $44 on bleak US GDP, AIG news
Oil down to $25? I guess the Arabs aren’t going broke as quickly as the NWO would like.
U.S. soldier gagged on prez's eligibility
Did that order come from the Usurper-and-Chief?
Congressman: Audit the Fed's books
Call your congressman, support H.R. 1207, let’s see if this “depression” was caused by some creative accounting at the FED.
John Dean: Bush almost became an 'unconstitutional dictator'
And how many policies has Obama rescinded?
Six Minutes with the Renegade Economist - Michael Hudson Special...
I think it’s time for a Jubilee!
Glenn Beck Talking About FEMA Camps with Ron Paul
Everybody answers to someone Glenn, JFK answered, so did RFK, were you questioned by the same people? Did they demand you answer if you ran the story. You said, “They are making me say this, help,” tongue-in-cheek, but the proof will come if and when you air the story. Until then, count me with the conspiracy-theorists that think you were “leaned” on.
Strobe Weapons Go Black After 'Immobilization' Tests (Updated)
Great, something else for them to herd us with.
Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year
Most biblical scholars that study the prophecies in the Bible say that “Gog and Magog,” the Northern Kingdom that allies with the Muslims against Israel is Russia. Also nowhere in the prophecies, other than a vague reference to an eagle, can you tie any mention of the United States. Why is the only superpower in the world left out of the endtimes prophecies? Maybe because we are not around anymore.
FDIC’s Bair Says Insurance Fund Could Be Insolvent This Year
Yeah, this gives me a warm-fuzzy feeling too.
Long read, but spot on.
That’s a nice thought isn’t it?
'Say please' at U. S. border nets pepper spray
No slave, I will not say please, I will spray you.