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House adopts plan for 'volunteer' corps
I cannot believe that this actually passed. Does anybody in Washington care what their constituents want?
California "tent city" for homeless to be closed
Must have been bad for the city's image. I wonder if they moved them straight to a FEMA camp or did they house them in one of the abandoned shopping malls?
State Imperative – Confiscation of Privately Owned Weapons
A long read, but an interesting history lesson.
Treasury Department admits pushing for bonus loophole
I say indict them all, Geithner, Dodd, and all the AIG execs.
New militia movement draws criticism
And fire the Governor of Missouri. This is just stupid.
Albany County's ammunition sales law is way out of step
I sincerely hope the people of New York are smarter than to let this law pass.
Ter·ror·ist (noun): Anyone Who Disagrees with the Government
Yep, we are all enemy combatants.
Britain at risk of serious social unrest, report warns
I don't think any country is immune to this.
Is America Already a Police State?
I like that this article's author calls himself a "rebel insurgent" living in the U.S. I guess I am one too, I speak out against the government, I guess I'm an enemy combatant.
Military demands details on soldiers' private guns
I don't think so, you do not have the right. From my cold, dead hands!
Looks like the elite are playing the same song and dance in France as they are over here.
FDA One Step Away From Declaring Dietary Supplements Drugs
The world is turned upside down.
USA has Two Options to Save its Economy: Declare Default or Trigger a War
Aren't we already fighting two wars?
Alaska's Mount Redoubt Erupts Four Times
"Thar she blows, a hump, like a snow hill," it's a snow hill! Sorry, I couldn't resist that…more birthing pains.
Shocker: 'Global warming' simply no longer happening
I guess Al Gore is going to tell us now that the cooling is being caused by global warming.
Why the End of America is Closer than You Think
Hey Mike, you got a spare room down there in Equador?
Hungary's PM to quit amid tumbling popularity
Obama, take some hints here.
Maher Calls Out Glenn Beck As Crazy Who Could Incite the McVeighs of America
Ok Beck, after this, you need to show the evidence of the camps.
First Black President to Reinstate Slavery?
"If anyone ever tries to impose a "mandatory service
requirement" on MY kid, the results will not be pleasant.
There's a reason for the Second Amendment. This is it."
My thoughts exactly, you will not be alone.
Michigan 15-year-old dies after police Taser him
Guns don't kill people, Tasers kill people.
CNN Video: Obama Supporters Go Door-to-door
"I don't care, let them film me!" Well, they were sir, and you are no on a terrorist watch list!
Don't buy too much ammo or the feds will come knocking on your door.