Monday, March 16, 2009

Today's Update

The Obama Deception
Free video, just click play a few times to get through the ads.

China 'worried' about US Treasury holdings
Yeah, I am worried too.

U.S. Won’t Label Terror Suspects as ‘Combatants’
Obama administration: Guantanamo detainees have 'no constitutional rights'
Yep, that’s change we can all believe in.

Homeowners See Taxes Rise as Property Values Sink Amid Deficits
Ok, let’s see, property values are down, but taxes are rising, yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Britain showing signs of heading towards 1930s-style depression, says Bank
Time to get out of debt! Or is it already too late?

The Fed Has Failed By Its Own Terms
End the FED.

EU bans use of 'Miss' and 'Mrs' (and sportsmen and statesmen) because it claims they are sexist
Political correctness literally knows no bounds. Are they going to outlaw he and she next? Is the North American Union going to follow suit when they are finally formed? What’s the penalty for non-compliance, Guantanamo or just a beheading?

Alaska's Mount Redoubt Rumbles Once Again
Sea volcano blows its top 300km off NZ coast
More birthing pains, more serious and more frequent the closer to the “birth” we get.

DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanufacturers
They are not coming after your guns, they are going to eliminate the ammunition.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized
Interesting little video about sub-prime mortgages.

German Chancellor Merkel Calling for Raids on Homes
The global elite will not be happy until we are all disarmed slaves wallowing in our own pity, begging them to save us from ourselves.

Bracing for a Bailout Backlash
I think it is kind of ironic timing that the stock market has taken an uptick in the last week. Sort of a, “Hey, put up the pitchfork and the burning torch…look the market is getting better. Maybe we’ll be ok.” People pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

S.C. governor evokes Zimbabwe in arguments against stimulus
Just keep printing, printing, printing.

Gold For Bread - Zimbabwe
Can you pan for gold in your area? Yeah, I can’t either, we are in for hard times my friends, at least until they declare the one world currency. And this is the kicker, we will beg for it, and we will beg for it well before conditions get as bad as they are in this video.

AIG Bonuses Add to Potential for Public Revolt against Wall Street, Federal Reserve
Yeah, I don’t think the American people will stand by and see their standard of living decline to the level of Zimbabwe. One-World currency, here we come!

IMF poised to print billions of dollars in 'global quantitative easing'
Russia proposes creation of global super-reserve currency
And there is the other shoe. People wake up, see what is happening right before your eyes. Problem-Reaction-Solution, never waste a crisis, there it is people, in black and white.

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