The Government's War on Recession
A little longer than I like to put on here, but a good read nonetheless.
Obama’s Non-Withdrawal Withdrawal Plan
Wow, Obama is a liar, what a truly shocking revelation.
Greeks shut airports, services to protest economy
Olmert warns Iran over nuclear plant
They are going to bomb that plant, probably soon.
Vaccine Court: Autism Debate Continues
Interesting figures.
Princeton Physicist Tells Congress Earth in ‘CO2 Famine’ — Increase ‘Will Be Good for Mankind’
And Obama wants a cap-and-trade tax on CO2 emissions….why?
2 Money Managers Held in New Wall St. Fraud Case
Where were the SEC regulators?
Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban
Here we go, write your Congressmen! This logic just amazes me, it is illegal in Mexico to own a firearm, yet cutting off the supply from America is going to be a deterrent? Automatic weapons are illegal in America already!
CIA Adds Economy To Threat Updates
Sign of the times I guess.
Join nearly 40 nationwide tea parties across U.S.
Woo-hoo, you going?
United Nations Wants To Regulate Free Speech Of Every Nation
Step 1: Get the U.S. out of the U.N.
Step 2: Get the U.N. out of the U.S.
BILL MOYERS: Welcome to the Journal.
“When there's a small group of people who got you into a disaster, and who were still powerful. Disaster even made them more powerful. And you know you need to come in and break that power. And you can't. You're stuck.”
Government commission urges taxing drivers by-the-mile
Yes we are, no we’re not, oh, yes we are.
Obama's Budget: Almost $1 Trillion in New Taxes Over Next 10 yrs, Starting 2011
Gerald Celente is not wrong on the tax rebellions.
Economic Crash Will Fuel Social Unrest
More evidence Celente is right on target.
Big bailouts for 'higher-ups' anger left-out middle class
More proof.
Ron Paul's opening statement 2009.02.25
I posted this the other day, so you can fast forward through Dr. Paul’s insightful comments, but listen to the news anchors on CNBC at the end…ooops. I guess that was too much truth for America to hear live!