Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today's Update

The Ultimate American Dollar Collapse
Long video, important information.

School interrogates, rejects parents' religion
This country is doomed.

Interesting links.

Talk of 'global' TV channel raises eyebrows
Is this the “GNN,” Global News Network of the “Left Behind” series?

Exorcist: Devil Influences Abortion Industry
(Eph 6:12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Grab Your Torch ‘n Pitchforks!
Sounds like the fire is catching over here.

America -- what have you done?
Yep, honeymoon over.

Peter Schiff on 2009-2010 USA Hyperinflation
Hearsay says withing 30 to 45 days the dollar will be pegged to the Canadian looney and the peso, wonder why?

NE418 FOIA release - Pentagon witness to plane
Thank you, Obama for the Freedom of Information Executive Order.

Report Of "People Planting Bombs" on 9-11 (Rare!)
9-11 was an inside job.

Senator: “We’ve Seen Money Go Out The Back Door Of This Government Unlike Any Time In The History Of Our Country . . . Nobody Knows" Where It Went
Don’t worry Senator, we can print as much as we need.

Rep. Kanjorski: $550 Billion Disappeared in "Electronic Run On the Banks"
No Representative, you are not economic geniuses, but any grade school child can tell you that you cannot borrow your way out of debt.
Start listening to Ron Paul, he seems to be the only one on the Hill that has any sense!

A Proposal to Shore Up Banks With Pension Funds
401K, IRA or IOU? Sure they are just talking about state plans right now, but where will they stop? Try to borrow money from your retirement, if you have to pay it back with interest, guess what….It isn’t your money!

"The Suits" Are Scared: Obama's Plan To Take Over Broadcast Television.
So when is Joseph Goebbels coming back?

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