End the Fed
Ron Paul was shunned by the media and the people before this economic crisis, do you think we will listen now? Probably not.
Gore to Children: Question Your Parents' Climate Beliefs as We Questioned Segregation
That boogeyman is dead and Gore just keeps beating him with a stick.
U.S. Treasury Begins Final Blowout Phase as Fed Ramps up Inflationary Debt Purchases Using Fictitious Money
Oh the puppet show analogy is classic, going to have to commit that one to memory…..classic.
After Obama praises torture ruling, civil liberties group appalled
Looks like the honeymoon is starting to draw to a close. It is about time.
Canada says global banking body needed in 2009
Yeah Canada, you are right, we need a global bank. Oh yeah, we need your sovereignty too, why not form a North American Union with us and Mexico?
Teens Face Daytime Curfew In Dallas
Hmmm, I worked when I was in high school, even got out of class at lunch. After lunch it was athletic practice or study hall anyway. Hey government, stay out of my business.
Cash-strapped states mull seat belt law changes
You better not speed, better buckle up, you better not pout. Don’t give us lip or we’ll knock you about. Cities need your money, they’re broke.
Homeschoolers under attack – again!
Ve must be the educators of your children. Ve must be able to brainvash them at an early age.
Legislators tell feds to back off
Considering the homeschool legislation above, I doubt this gets passed in New Hampshire, but keep trying!
United Nations' threat: No more parental rights
What are these people smoking?
Rising unemployment hits 98 percent of metro areas
Deep doo-doo I say, DEEP.
Riots around the World because of skyrocketing Unemployment
Oi vey! Deep I say, DEEP.
Liberals Propose Fast-Tracking Treaties
Fast tracking treaties, yeah, there’s a good idea.
Glenn Beck on Obama's 'Change': Socialism
“I’m just sayin’”
Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame (Update 1)
Just keep repeating, “There is no New World Order. There is no New World Order. There is no…..”
Mabus may be tapped as next Navy secretary
Save us from Mabus!
Russian Killer UAVs Could Target US Missile Bases
Is it just me, or does all this unrest and ramping up of militaries scare anyone else?