Gun dealers experiencing shortages of bullets
Got bullets?
‘Worst economic collapse ever’
I just love Gerald Celente, he doesn’t pull any punches!
Lacking Clarity, Dow Plunges 382
That went well.
The Dehumanizing of Young Workers Producing our Computer Keyboards
Is this the model for the workcamps?
Incredible Home Invasion caught on Camera
Get ready, this is going to become commonplace.
Record 19 Million U.S. Homes Stood Vacant in 2008
We could just give the houses to the Mexicans seeking asylum after Mexico collapses, no wait, that is what the FEMA camps are for.
General Motors to Invest $1 Billion in Brazil Operations -- Money to Come from U.S. Rescue Program
Ok, let me get this straight, MY MONEY (you didn’t think the government actually had money did you), is going to beef up a plant in BRAZIL! Yay!
IMF may run out of cash to fight crisis in six months, Strauss-Khan warns
Global Bank! Global Bank! Global Bank! We need a Global Bank! And I need another hole in my head!
WTO chief warns of looming political unrest
Please explain to me why protectionism is wrong. Screw the world, pull all our troops back, let us fix our own problems before we worry about the world’s problems again.
More than 50 head of cattle stolen in Christian County
Can we still hang horse thieves and cattle rustlers?
Half of China's toy factories close after exports slump
The comments are interesting, my thoughts go a little farther. What do you do with all the laid off workers? Hmmm, hand them an SKS, load them onto a cargo ship, that is no longer needed, and go invade a country. Sounds like fun!
12-year-old ordered to take pregnancy test
With no fear of retribution, this is what our “authority figures” think they can do. If that had been my daughter, me and this counselor would be having a little non-verbal “discussion.”
Police Arrest Man Carrying Rifle in Truck at the White House
Ok, I understand we cannot have a guy with a gun around the president, I get that. But when did it become illegal to have an unregistered firearm, and even more importantly, how the heck to you register ammunition?
Merrill Lynch 2008 Bonuses
Book ‘em, Dano.
The Tax Poem
This would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
Global Food Catastrophe 2009
This is just wonderful.
Shameful Stupidity
Interesting thoughts on America’s current nuclear capabilities and the plans this wonderful government we have elected has planned for it.
Ron Paul: Collapse of the Dollar
More sage words from the single voice of reason from the “Hill.”