'Dark' Comets Could Hit Earth Without Warning
Wormwood perhaps?
US energy chief floats idea of a carbon emissions tax
Hmm, is the government going to tax me for the CO2 that I expel when I breathe?
Ron Paul Grills Bernanke
He might be a little soft on gays, but he is tough on the Fed.
Hey Kids, Wanna Play Security Checkpoint: The Terrifying Marketing Of Police State Normalacy To Children
Come on, seriously?
RON PAUL: WHAT IF... The American People Learn Truth!
Is this 1930 all over again?
Interesting quotes.
The Multiple Ways Monsanto is Putting Normal Seeds Out of Reach
Come and get it.
Vitamin B-6 declared a "drug" by FDA; to be banned from vitamin supplements
Owners must give fingerprints to get guns back from IMPD
Government gone wild.
I am beginning to think I need to break these down into sections.
In Plane Crash, the Loss of Momentum Is Still a Mystery
Now why did this plane crash?
Des Forges GRD '72, human rights expert, killed in plane crash
Oh, wait, her, plus the lady whose husband died in 9/11 and pushed for the 9/11 Commission, oh wait, now I’m getting the big picture.
Obama warned over ‘welfare spendathon’
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10
Britain’s bankers plumb new depths
"Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton."
-Bertrand Russell, "The Impact of Science on Society", 1953, pg 49-50
This doesn’t sound like a bunch of sheep to me!!!
“Pork” Bailout Bill Could Ban Guns for Millions of Americans
What have they done?
Crisis raises risk of social unrest in Asia
Nice quote, “regime-threatening instability” worldwide
Federal obligations exceed world GDP
End the FED, Recall the Hill
Pill to erase bad memories: Ethical furore over drugs ‘that threaten human identity’
Can I get one of these now, this whole Bankster Bailout/Spendulus Plan is becoming a BAD memory for me.
Dialogue #1 On the American Gold Standard
We DO NOT want a gold standard because there is NO gold in Fort Knox, the banksters own all the gold.
Fiat money is bad, yes, but the enemy here is the FED and the fractional reserve banking system.
Fiat money printed by the Government, as per the Constitution, and constrained as a function of the GDP without fractional reserve would solve our problems.
Trade a gun for a rose in SC on Valentine's Day
“…it was a relief to get rid of the weapons.” Here’s a prediction. In a year they are going to wish they had them back.
Police hospitalize 7-year-old under Baker Act
Are you sure you want your kids in a public school?
Dem’s Use “Stimulus” as Cover for More Gun Control
HR 45 May be More Troubling Than the Average Anti-gun Bill
Large U.S. banks on brink of insolvency, experts say
You do have COH (Cash on Hand) right? Ok, now you might want to start looking at acquiring some silver to buy with, junk Pre-65 coinage.
Legislative Update - Government Stimulus Bill
There are no words.
A woman missed her flight at the boarding gate HKIA
She needs to be glad she was in Hong Kong, in America she would have been tasered for this. Who ever would have thought a person would get better treatment in Hong Kong than in America?
Jim Rogers: "abolish the World Bank and IMF" (Feb 13, 2009)
I’ll second that!
MT House measure would change gun rules
Looks like all the firearm and ammunition manufacturers are going to be moving to Montana.
1988 Interview: Ron Paul Talks About the Bankers
Ron new about this stuff when I was worried about the bully on the playground. Well the playground is now a lot bigger….and so is the bully.
The Stimulus is a Step Towards a Soviet America
OK, we need a running list here of Representatives and Senators who need to stay and the rest need the boot:
Ron Paul
Dennis Kucinich
Add to that Tom Coburn
FDIC shutters four banks in one day
Dropping like flies.
Economic And Financial Systems Deliberately Destabilized
“There probably won’t be bank runs as in the 1930s. You will wake up one morning and find you are going to receive one new dollar for 10 old dollars and that new dollar will be for all nations, as they all devalue and default.”
Would that new dollar be the amero?
BBC NEWS 20090216 Cashless Society
Hold on people, it is coming.
Commissioner seeks security guards, gets committee support
Read the comments….there is a storm brewing on the horizon.
Economic Stimulus Bill Mandates $954 Million for Vaccinations, $545 Million for "Genomics Programs"
What exactly is genomics?
Evacuation after volcano erupts
More Birthing Pains.
Scientists plan to ignite tiny man-made star
These kind of experiments, like LHC and this one scare me.