Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today's Update

Salbuchi - Global Financial Collapse - Part 1
Salbuchi - Global Financial Collapse - Part 2
Wow.  I think he might be on to something.

Bird flu found on Kentucky poultry farm
Gearing up for Ohio at the end of the month?  Just rumors.

The question that flummoxed the great orator
OK, that was funny!

Mother who smacked her son with hairbrush in a 'moment of madness' is forced to give him up to social services

What's Next For Concealed Carry?
Ha!  Illinois is waking up!

Crosses, Bibles banned from hospital chapel
So tolerance is for the Christians, but intolerance is ok for the Muslims and Hindus?

Homeward Rebound: Weathering the Storm With Kin
Yeah, I'm looking forward to this.  Hi Mom and Dad.

Walker's World: New food crisis looms
I am glad to say I have bought some heirloom seeds and I have a place to grow them, I don't think my family is going to go hungry.

Pelosi: We want registration; Holder: 2A won't stand in our way
You can register my guns after you kill me.


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