Fannie, Freddie worker bonuses total $210M
The insanity never ends does it?
Mass protest in Rome over financial crisis
Protests are becoming very common.
Obama Wants to Control the Banks
And everything else…he wants to rule.
Scientists find active 'super-thermite' in WTC dust
Ok NIST and Popular Mechanics, explain this one away.
Powerful Earthquake in Italy Kills at Least 92
Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake
More birthing pains…is it just me or are they getting more frequent?
Troops sent in after Chile's Llaima volcano erupts
This is a birthing pain that evidently has been going on for a while.
Experts Predicting Major Activity From Arenal Volcano
Eastern Congo volcanoes show eruption warning signs
Potential birthing pains? Notice that all of these are in different areas.
Social Security Surplus Already Gone
Uncle Sugar getting out of the Sugardaddy business soon?
Inside Obama's bank CEOs meeting
So why does Obama not want the banks to give the money back?
The Constitution Dies - To Thunderous Applause
Yay! New dictatorial powers! You go Obamessiah!
Following Bush lead, Obama moves to block challenge to wiretapping program
Change we can all believe in!