PETA Killed a Record Number of Pets in 2008
Ok, that is just funny. Sad for the people that took PETA their pets, but funny.
Gerald Celente expect World Riots Ghost Malls and a Revolution in This Country
The collapse of '09. Are you ready?
Soros: If G20 Fails, Global Depression Ahead
"On the one hand, there's the tremendous human suffering, which is very distressing. On the other hand, to be able to handle the situation is exhilarating." George Soros
U.S. private sector axes 742,000 jobs in March
Man this makes me feel real secure about my job.
The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S.
Wow did they overstate numbers a bit!
Man detained and harassed at airport for carrying CASH!
What in the hell has this country come to?