Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today's Update

Trailer - Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama
I can't wait to watch this one!

I am in shock.  I sincerely hope this is not true.

Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird

Chris Matthews Interviews Gun Carrying American from Obama Town Hall
Chris Matthews is a piece of work.

The "Second American Revolution" Has Begun By Gerald Celente
Scary stuff!

Google Opt-Out Village                                                        

Mom in minivan tasered twice in Salina traffic stop; camera captures deputy's rough roadside arrest
The police in this country are out of control and need to be reined in.

MSNBC Libtalker Ed Schultz: 'Conservatives Want Obama Dead'
I do fear for Obama's life, with his popularity so low, if he doesn't get this healthcare deal passed, his handlers might just have him taken out.

'06 Flashback: Pelosi
Wow! That is new, a politician speaking out of both sides of their mouth, who would have thought that!

The Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400,000 Military Personnel in U.S.
Yeah, this is a good idea….why do they need to do this exactly?

Are You Evil? Profiling That Which Is Truly Wicked
And from the "This is how the world ends," section, we have this.  Oh, this is a great one!

Depopulation? Several Globalists in Their Own Words
This is what the swine flu is all about.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Today's Update

Obama's Imperial Decree: Target Oklahoma
Why would the government care about English as an official language?  Look it up.

White House Disputes Pelosi Contention that Town Hall Protests are "Un-American"
OK, if we can't call them "Un-American" what can we call them…..I know……RACIST!  (see next article)

MSNBC Host: Word "Socialist" Code For The "N-Word"
I am sorry, when did a political ideology replace the hurt associated with a racial slur?  WTF?

Chris Matthews: Are "Protesters" At Health Care Town Halls Racists?
There you go, in Nazi Germany if you disagreed you were against the fatherland, at first here, if you disagreed you were Un-American, now you are racist.

Hillary Clinton Loses Her Temper In Congo
I've said this before and I'll say it again.  They want to hear what Bill's opinion is because…sexist or not, most of the countries in the world could care less what a woman's opinion is.  Until that paradigm is shifted, we do not need a female Secretary of Anything.

More lead-poisoning…..think I might have to go buy some more lead.

Man Interrupts Town Hall-CNN
Yes, my friend, one day, they all will have to answer.

Protester seen with gun outside Obama town hall
Oh my God! He has a gun!  I am so sick of the counter-gun culture in American media. When was the last time that a presidential assassination was attempted with an openly displayed side-holstered firearm?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Today's Update

Swine Flu: What I Believe
Very interesting thoughts.  The Club of Rome comes to mind…along with the Georgia guidestones.

Swine flu made in USA
Interesting video.

Swine Flu Scare: It's All about The Adjuvant!
Educate yourself and decide if the vaccine is worth the risk to you.

What the Fed is REALLY Trying to Hide In Fighting an Audit
End the FED.

Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines
I don't want no monkey kidneys!

Obama team mulls new quarantine regulations
People, can you see where this is heading?  I am putting the dots on the page, but you have to connect them.

Refusing vaccination labels you a "criminal", so says WHO
Well, here is another big black dot.  Since this is from a blogger, it needs vetting.

Some Say Census Questionnaire Getting Too Personal
Come visit me, you might get lead poisoning…you know…from the lead in the air.

NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina
I think I have posted this before, but it is a classic worth revisiting.

Town halls gone wild
Imagine that, they are ruining this country…and people are mad, how dare them!

Glenn Beck - One More Thing
I can't stand Glenn Beck, I think he lies more than he tells the truth, BUT…sometimes he gives you little nuggets of the truth, and here is one of them.

US companies axe 371,000 jobs in July
Wow I thought the worst was over, we are coming out of the recession, we avoided a depression.  Hmm, yeah right!

Big government gets in your food, hurts small farmers
Come inspect my garden and leave with lead poisoning!


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