Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today's Update

Obama's Attack on the Middle Class
An interesting perspective on things.

Iran, Syria Receive Millions of U.S. 'Peaceful Nuclear' Funds
So, let me get this straight…We paid them to help develop nuclear reactors, but now we want to attack them for doing it?

'Ontario residents only' at Tent City
Well, there's always the FEMA camps, oh wait that's right, Glen Beck says they don't exist.

The Dangers of Printing Money
A photo essay

GM CEO resigns at Obama's behest
The U.S.S.R., United Soviet Socialist Republic fell apart in the late 1980's and early 90's.  Now a new U.S.S.R. has been formed the United States Socialist Republic, because only in a socialist country could the government demand that a CEO of a private company resign.

CFR Unveils Global Governance Agenda
Is it just me or does the CFR logo look like a man riding a white horse?  Rev 6:2  "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. "  The only thing that is missing in the logo is the bow and the crown.

Sen. Kerry makes push for tighter gun control
Document those serial numbers, I want proof they came from America.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Today's Update

And Now, a Billion for the Food Police?
HR 875….uh no.

Islamic Law's Influence in America a Growing Concern
We cannot post the 10 Commandments on a federal building, but we have to build footbaths.

Cops Block Neighbors Trying to Rescue Family From Fatal Fire
This strikes me of the mentality cops have a road-blocks to keep people from going into their houses after a disaster.  "You are going to shoot me and kill me to keep me from dying when the house collapses on me?" Now how much sense does that make?  "You are not going to allow me to risk my life to save a family?  I know I may not live through the rescue, that is my choice!"  "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Nearly 2 Million Teens Depressed, Government Urges Screening for All
The government wants your kids fat, dumb, and happy so that they can be brainwashed or go on shooting sprees after being drugged.

Explosions, Fireballs Spotted in Skies Above Virginia
Signs in the heavens?  Probably just a piece of space junk from that collision a few weeks back.

The Twenty-First-Century Abolitionist Project: Slavery and Taxation
Tax revolt anyone?

Chickens vs. property values
I want some chickens.

Toy-gun sales ban advances to House
Really? I am dumbfounded.

G20 protesters face police with Tasers
Sounds like a good time, I got my shirt cleaned today.  Tase me Bro!

White House to let Chrysler fail
"…Chrysler hasn't had "any negotiations" with JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, which holds the firm's debt."  Hmm, the usual suspects.

Londoners photographed 425 times a day
Coming soon, to a street near you, Big Brother 2009, an upgrade from our 1984 version.

Al Gore ignores 'Earth Hour'
Do as I say not as I do.  ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.  That's ok though, he pays for carbon offsets.

Who will raise kids: Mom, Dad or state?
Wow, something good actually comes out of congress?

Standards under scrutiny as food giants explore nanotechnology
The world has gone insane.

The ammo boom is no dud
Stock up boys.

NFL Player Detained While Rushing to Dying Mother-in-Law Accepts Officer's Apology
I wonder if he would have apologized if he weren't dragged through the media.

Ahead of G20 summit, council told to switch off illegal £15m CCTV network
Wow, that is convenient, no video of agent provocateurs.

Kansans to vote on gun ownership amendment
More power to you, Kansas.

Pension insurer shifted to stocks
Talk about great timing!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Today's Update

Bachmann bill would ban global currency
Well now, it would be very interesting if this bill passes, but we all know it won't.

Dallas Officer Detains NFL Player Rushing to Dying Mother-in-Law's Bedside
Another hot-headed cop with nothing better to do.  This is appalling.

Chechen soldiers' Flinstonian phone charger
Never underestimate the ingenuity of a person with a need.

Mandatory flu shots for preschoolers?
Florida…they want to poison your kids.

The coming 1-world currency
The currency is already there, it is called "Special Drawing Rights" issued by the World Bank and IMF, it is just not widely monetized yet, in other words, right now it is still a computer entry and only given within the banking cartels.  But, it won't be long until they come up with a new name for that fiat currency, make it the reserve currency, and issue it in paper/coin form.

On Wall Street, Talk of Trust and Civil War
Paul Volcker, former Federal Reserve chairman, spoke for many of the attendees when he acknowledged that "we're in a government-dependent financial system; I never thought I'd see the day."  My question is what was Volcker's tone when he made this statement, "I never thought I'd see the day," was this a joyous tone, I mean this has been their goal from the beginning.

The 4 Things You Need
Interesting article.

Oath Keepers:  Orders We Will Not Obey
More power to you guys.  Stay strong!

What is purpose of ATF's 'forward trace initiative'?
Private sale is the only way to go.

We The People Stimulus Package
This guy has been called to the White House by Obama "to discuss the disturbing nature of the videos."  Congratulations funbobbasso you are now an enemy combatant, your cell in Guantanamo awaits your arrival.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Today's Update

Head of San Francisco Fed Bank: We Don't Know What We're Doing, So We'll Do More of It
I think Mish hit it right.

Obama: No need for a 'global currency'
Geithner 'open' to China proposal
OK, so which is it you flip-flopping S.O.B.?

Americans Largely Silent as Their Nation is Systematically Destroyed
Nobody cares, people are waking up, but not fast enough, by the time they do the noose will already be around the neck of our dear country.

Interesting article, I just might run for Sheriff.

Critics Say Senate Bill to Rescue Newspapers May Invite Government Control of News
Here is Fox News playing a little disinformation, the government doesn't need control of the newspapers…the people that run the government also run the newspapers.

Huge Explosion Rocks Alaska's Mount Redoubt
Big Boom!  I think that was a serious contraction on the birth pain scale.

Hungry shrimp eat climate change experiment
Even nature doesn't agree with global warming, the squid and fin whales want you to keep trying though!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Today's Update

Most electronic voting systems can be hacked, CIA expert says
"CIA expert told panel he wouldn't divulge CIA's interest in voting systems in a unclassified setting." Yeah that is not suspicious at all.

E.U. President Calls U.S. Stimulus the 'Way to Hell'
Ironic choice of words, I think I agree with him.

Dean pushes new emergency volunteer initiative
I wonder what he knows? *reaches for sambucol and colloidal silver*

Obama Youth Brigade: Church Attendance Forbidden
Yeah, that H.R. 1388 was a stroke of genius, I am SO glad they passed it!

House plans budget amendment to restrict "profiling" in security report
Good job guys, get them back in line.

Daniel Hannan MEP: The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government
I love the British, so proper!  Can we get this guy over here to talk to our congress and our president?

Obama Years Ago Helped Fund Carbon Program He Is Now Pushing Through Congress
Can we say, conflict of interest?

Giant Shipment of Weapons Seized at Airport
I was starting to wonder where my packages ended up!

Postal Service Asks Congress for Bailout
I am still waiting on my bailout.

Senator Sanders Blocking Key Obama Nomination
What?  Are we tired of business as usual on the hill now?

European lab accidents raise biosecurity concerns
OK, let me get this straight, now Reuters has picked the Baxter story up, but none of the major news media is covering it…still?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today's Update

Law Professor Who Advised Obama Says House AIG Bill May Be Unconstitutional
They should never have gotten the bonuses to begin with, but now that they have, you cannot tax them away.  It's like shutting the gate after the cows have gotten out.

AP source: EPA says global warming a public danger
Newsflash:  The EPA is a public danger.

Commander confirms Netanyahu war plans
Ok guys, as much as I try to keep my thoughts on biblical prophecies out of this, this could be the war that kicks off the rebuilding of the temple.

U.S. seeks expanded power to seize firms
How in the world can anybody think that this is a good idea?

Fed Planning Inflationary Dollar Destroying 15-Fold Increase In US Monetary Base
Get out of Dollars…NOW!

Can Private Security Guards Act As Cops?
The next thing you know, we will have foreign troops on our streets.

"This Country Will Go Bankrupt"
This country is already bankrupt.

The GIVE Act
What a piece of garbage this bill is, but check out the amendment that was added by Rep. George Miller, a Democrat from California:
                Amendment to prohibit organizations from attempting to influence legislation; organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes; and assist, promote, or deter union organizing.
Hmm, would that be a violation of the 1st amendment of the Constitution, yes I think it would.

Gerald Celente Predicts Economic Armageddon by 2012

Obama Nominates Former Freddie Mac Executive As 'Housing Commissioner'
Yeah, he did so well running Freddie Mac!

You and I Can't Buy the Guns Mexican Cartels Own
The truth about the gun problem in Mexico from someone who knows firsthand.

More birthing pains.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Today's Update

Watch The Obama Deception free on youtube

House adopts plan for 'volunteer' corps

I cannot believe that this actually passed.  Does anybody in Washington care what their constituents want?


California "tent city" for homeless to be closed

Must have been bad for the city's image.  I wonder if they moved them straight to a FEMA camp or did they house them in one of the abandoned shopping malls?


State Imperative – Confiscation of Privately Owned Weapons

A long read, but an interesting history lesson.


Treasury Department admits pushing for bonus loophole

I say indict them all, Geithner, Dodd, and all the AIG execs.


New militia movement draws criticism

And fire the Governor of Missouri.  This is just stupid.


Albany County's ammunition sales law is way out of step

I sincerely hope the people of New York are smarter than to let this law pass.


Ter·ror·ist (noun): Anyone Who Disagrees with the Government

Yep, we are all enemy combatants.


Britain at risk of serious social unrest, report warns

I don't think any country is immune to this.


Is America Already a Police State?

I like that this article's author calls himself a "rebel insurgent" living in the U.S.  I guess I am one too, I speak out against the government, I guess I'm an enemy combatant.


Military demands details on soldiers' private guns

I don't think so, you do not have the right.  From my cold, dead hands!


Sarkozy warned of 'class war'

Looks like the elite are playing the same song and dance in France as they are over here.


FDA One Step Away From Declaring Dietary Supplements Drugs

The world is turned upside down.


USA has Two Options to Save its Economy: Declare Default or Trigger a War

Aren't we already fighting two wars?


Alaska's Mount Redoubt Erupts Four Times

"Thar she blows, a hump, like a snow hill," it's a snow hill!  Sorry, I couldn't resist that…more birthing pains.


Shocker: 'Global warming' simply no longer happening 

I guess Al Gore is going to tell us now that the cooling is being caused by global warming.


Why the End of America is Closer than You Think

Hey Mike, you got a spare room down there in Equador?


Hungary's PM to quit amid tumbling popularity

Obama, take some hints here.


Maher Calls Out Glenn Beck As Crazy Who Could Incite the McVeighs of America

Ok Beck, after this, you need to show the evidence of the camps.


First Black President to Reinstate Slavery?

"If anyone ever tries to impose a "mandatory service
requirement" on MY kid, the results will not be pleasant.
There's a reason for the Second Amendment. This is it."

My thoughts exactly, you will not be alone.


Michigan 15-year-old dies after police Taser him

Guns don't kill people, Tasers kill people.


CNN Video: Obama Supporters Go Door-to-door

"I don't care, let them film me!" Well, they were sir, and you are no on a terrorist watch list!


Don't buy too much ammo or the feds will come knocking on your door.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today's Update

Federal Officials Deny Report That Obama Seeks to End Pilot Gun Program
Who knows what to believe from the mainstream media, but they did do some backtracking late yesterday on this one.

Obama climate plan costs $2 trillion
Yeah this is a great idea.

$750 billion "green" investment could revive economy: U.N.
There is the global tax that will fund the globalists.

Citigroup May Spend $10 Million for Executive Suite
Your tax dollars at work.

Dodd: Treasury insisted on allowing bonus money
Whatever Dodd, if you didn’t know what this amendment would do, then you shouldn’t have inserted it, you should resign out of your ignorance.

Israeli army ordered to devise Iran war
This will be happening soon. Will the U.S. back this war?
"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of reeling to all the people around, and it shall also be against Judah in the siege against Jerusalem. And on that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the peoples; all who burden themselves with it shall be grievously hurt. And all the peoples of the earth shall be gathered together against it" (Zechariah 12:2-3).

French unions claim 3m on street
I wonder if the mainstream media will pick up this one?

Paul: Bill to tax bonuses an 'outrage' and unconstitutional
I really admire Dr. Paul, he rails and rails, screams truth to the top of his lungs, and nobody listens to him. That has got to be frustrating!

Tsunami Warning Issued After 7.9 Magnitude Quake Hits South Pacific
Even more birthing pains.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today's Update

Diebold Admits ALL Versions of Their Software Delete Ballots Without Notice
So this is how elections are stolen in the 21st century. For more on this, I suggest a documentary called Hacking Democracy.

At G20, Kremlin to Pitch New Currency
Ok, everybody, on three, ready? One, two, three: NOOOO!
I am tempted here to say something to the affect of, “I’ll pay for things with chicken eggs before I use a one-world currency!” But then I remember a time in 2005 when I resolutly commented, “I won’t pay more than $2.00 for gas,” as I rode around looking for a place that had it at $1.99. The sad truth here is that if they decide to do this, there is little to nothing we can do about it.

Close Call: Newly Discovered Asteroid Whizzes Past Earth
Well, looks like we are getting buzzed quite often…which one is Wormwood?

Gun Advocates Ready for Battle on Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Granny, get your gun! At least before Holder does!

House Readies Passage of Volunteerism Bill Critics Call Pricey, Forced Service
Highlights: “…the bill creates a ‘Congressional Commission on Civic Service.’” And they will address, "whether a workable, fair and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the nation." Uh, no.

Army Investigating How and Why Troops Were Sent Into Alabama Town After Murder Spree
Yeah, so what is the “official” story there?

Webster's dictionary redefines 'marriage'
I guess it all depends on how you define it. “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” Bill Clinton

Feds undercut ammo supply
I am glad they reversed this decision, too bad they wouldn’t listen to us on the bailout bills.
Soldiers pledge to refuse disarmament demands
This won’t matter, foreign soldiers do not care.

Stimulus plan: Spend now, details later (promise)
Vice President Joe Biden delivered the second threat last week, warning that if states misspend the money, "don't look for any help from the federal government for a long while."
Wow, isn’t that nice. Does that include threat from invasion? If Texas messes up, do they get invaded by the drug cartels from Mexico with no help from the federal government?

Everday Conspiracies with Alex Jones
Jonesy sums up the major conspiracies in 3 minutes. Good job Alex.

Popular state sovereignty bills draw comparison to Civil War posturing
Keep pushing, Americans like to fight, we always have.

Senate quietly stripped measure restricting bonuses from bailout legislation
Dodd should be recalled along with everyone who was complacent in this farce.

Rep. Mack Calls for Geithner to Resign or Be Fired Over AIG Bonuses
That would be a good beginning.

FDIC Criticizes Massachusetts Bank With No Bad Loans for Being Too Cautious
Good job guys, give the CEO a bonus, he deserves it. But, I wonder how long it will be until their regulatory agency shuts them down, I mean they aren’t playing by the rules.

EDITORIAL: Guns on a plane
“Indeed, U.S. pilots were still allowed to carry guns until as recently as 1987.” WRONG! Here’s the proof. One of the glaring little “coincidences” of the 9-11 conspiracy.

HR 875/S 425: Farm to Fork Food Fascism Comes to America
Just say No.

Action Alert: Stop EPA from Eliminating Access to Colloidal Silver
I was lukewarm on the whole colloidal silver thing, I didn’t know which way to go. But, the fact that the EPA is trying to ban it, well, that tells me there is something to it, and it probably is a good thing.

The Fed Did Indeed Cause the Housing Bubble
I have been looking for a link between all this and the FED, well there it is.

Fed to Buy $300 Billion Worth of Long-Term Treasury Bonds
Inflation here we come! The FED is dumping $300 billion more cash into the system…Yay! (Update: following this announcement Gold popped $30 more an ounce and the dollar fell to 2 month lows against the euro.)

Fannie plans bonuses of up to $611K for 4 execs
I am in the wrong business.

Taxpayers Gather To Protest Spending, Taxes, Growing Debt
I say trade the tea bags for saucepans like Argentina and Iceland.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Today's Update

Global Elite Picked Obama Long Before Voters
Well, isn’t that special?

Russia's Medvedev orders large-scale rearmament
Well, doesn’t this tie in perfect with the above article?

Bailouts Are Taxation Without Representation
Yeah, I believe we have revolted about that before.

Mexico Retaliates With Tariffs on U.S. Products
Now that is a great idea, protectionism all around! Down with the Free Trade, Down with the Globalists, Down with the Banksters!
‘Fusion center’ data draws fire over assertions
I have a copy of the document, this article leaves out that you are also grouped with racists, not just Neo-Nazi’s.

Lose your property for growing food?
This has to stop.

Push to audit Federal Reserve gains steam
This is a good sign, but is Gene L. Dodaro, comptroller general of the U.S. part of one of these three organizations, Bildeburg, The Council on Foreign Relations, or The Trilateral Commission? If he is, then this is a useless endeavor.

State considers return to gold, silver dollars
I wanna move to Montana!

Banned hyperlinks could cost you $11,000 a day
Seriously?Rage at AIG Swells As Bonuses Go Out
Out come the pitchforks again!

US$6,948 gold would support greenback
This is bad.

The FDIC: as Rock Solid as Social Security
“...the vast majority of the Deposit Fund's assets are held in U.S. Treasuries.” WHAT? This is becoming laughable my friends!

When Is It Going To Be Enough, America?

Going great guns: Handheld, semiautomatic sales increase
Yeah, I can imagine.

U.S. Injecting Billions Into Foreign Central Banks
Did you expect anything less?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Today's Update

The Obama Deception
Free video, just click play a few times to get through the ads.

China 'worried' about US Treasury holdings
Yeah, I am worried too.

U.S. Won’t Label Terror Suspects as ‘Combatants’
Obama administration: Guantanamo detainees have 'no constitutional rights'
Yep, that’s change we can all believe in.

Homeowners See Taxes Rise as Property Values Sink Amid Deficits
Ok, let’s see, property values are down, but taxes are rising, yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Britain showing signs of heading towards 1930s-style depression, says Bank
Time to get out of debt! Or is it already too late?

The Fed Has Failed By Its Own Terms
End the FED.

EU bans use of 'Miss' and 'Mrs' (and sportsmen and statesmen) because it claims they are sexist
Political correctness literally knows no bounds. Are they going to outlaw he and she next? Is the North American Union going to follow suit when they are finally formed? What’s the penalty for non-compliance, Guantanamo or just a beheading?

Alaska's Mount Redoubt Rumbles Once Again
Sea volcano blows its top 300km off NZ coast
More birthing pains, more serious and more frequent the closer to the “birth” we get.

DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanufacturers
They are not coming after your guns, they are going to eliminate the ammunition.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized
Interesting little video about sub-prime mortgages.

German Chancellor Merkel Calling for Raids on Homes
The global elite will not be happy until we are all disarmed slaves wallowing in our own pity, begging them to save us from ourselves.

Bracing for a Bailout Backlash
I think it is kind of ironic timing that the stock market has taken an uptick in the last week. Sort of a, “Hey, put up the pitchfork and the burning torch…look the market is getting better. Maybe we’ll be ok.” People pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

S.C. governor evokes Zimbabwe in arguments against stimulus
Just keep printing, printing, printing.

Gold For Bread - Zimbabwe
Can you pan for gold in your area? Yeah, I can’t either, we are in for hard times my friends, at least until they declare the one world currency. And this is the kicker, we will beg for it, and we will beg for it well before conditions get as bad as they are in this video.

AIG Bonuses Add to Potential for Public Revolt against Wall Street, Federal Reserve
Yeah, I don’t think the American people will stand by and see their standard of living decline to the level of Zimbabwe. One-World currency, here we come!

IMF poised to print billions of dollars in 'global quantitative easing'
Russia proposes creation of global super-reserve currency
And there is the other shoe. People wake up, see what is happening right before your eyes. Problem-Reaction-Solution, never waste a crisis, there it is people, in black and white.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Today's Update

It has been released! Watch it in 10min segments or download the DIVX torrent, just beware so many people are sharing it, it will kill your bandwidth! I got 700MB in about 30 minutes. I like .wmv because it plays natively in Windows Media player, so download this torrent for that version.

Extreme cheapskates: Tightwads revel in frugality
Depression era mentality, back in full force.

Judge orders homeschoolers into public district classrooms
Why can’t we educate our own children?

Australians refused insurance because of poor genes
GATACCA is here now.

Internet conspiracy theories abound over Symantec Pifts.exe file
Hmm, interesting.

Justice Dept. Investigates Arizona Sheriff for Enforcing Immigration Law
I say give the man a medal and more officers.

Wireless Tasers extend the long arm of the law
Interesting that they have been using these on Heroes since the beginning of this season. When did filming for this season begin? Last year?

Senators slam plan for wounded vets to use private insurance
OK, let me get this straight, we want you to go fight in an unnecessary war and if you get hurt your own insurance will have to pay for it….where do I sign up?

'Nightly News' Perplexed by TARP-Recipients Lending to Foreign Countries
The internet is great, where else would somebody call the talking heads on tv to the carpet for their research.

Mainstream Financial Publication Finally Admits that Austrian Economists Were Right
I am a student of the Austrian School, I knew for some time that they were right.

Half of Americans Are Two Paychecks Away from Hardship
Well, this is a nice thought, ½ of Americans comprise the “Golden Horde,” wonderful.

World Mints Report Soaring Demand for Gold Coins
Hmm, I wonder why people are buying metals?

Sales of guns, ammo still high
Hmm, I wonder why people are buying guns and ammo?

Death penalty For Rioters
I wonder if this is coming to the U.S. soon?

Pentagon plans blimp to spy from new heights
I thought they already had these things.

America faces new Depression misery as financial crisis worsens
NBC Nightly News (03-09-09) Tent Cities of Homeless Springing Up In Bad Times
The new Hooverville, Obamaville.

Gun Law Update
Are your guns on the list?

Oh, this is why they are buying guns and ammo.

CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years
I sincerely doubt it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today's Update

Chuck Norris claims thousands of right wing cell groups exist and will rebel against U.S. government
I’ll move to Texas.

Gun Makers and Retailers Post Strong Sales Increases
Stock up.

U.S. dollar replaced by ... digital gold?
No Amero, we’ll probably go straight to a digital gold, you ready for your mark? Remember you get to choose, either your forehead or your right hand.

Lowe's Building Supply Near Cleveland Sports Signs in Chinese & Russian
Should I learn Mandarin, Wu, Yue, or Min?

Operation Garden Plot
What is the government scared of? This “operation” goes against the principles we were founded upon. I’ll quote the Declaration of Independence here:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

The Necessity for Action
Words on the 10th amendment

Yay. Other than that, I am utterly speechless.

Surviving the Great Depression
Listen to these old folks.

Scalia: You need 4 votes for Obama eligibility case
Well we know Scalia is not holding up the eligibility case. Who do we need to work on?

U.S. rejected 2003 Iraqi peace offer
Interesting, I have also heard that Saddam was told that if he invaded Kuwait the United States would not interfere. I guess the lesson learned here is never trust a politician, they lie.

German school gunman dead after slaying 16
Interesting that this happens right after the gunman in Alabama kills 12 including himself. Oh, yeah and they have the regular army patrolling the streets in Alabama. I thought Posse Comitatus was reinstated. Why does the army need to be on the streets AFTER the guy killed himself? Hasn’t the danger passed? When are they coming after our guns? If someone had had a gun in Alabama, would he have killed that many?

Western military forces turning inward in anticipation of domestic unrest
I think people are getting close to having enough.

Birthing Pains:
Wheatbelt town has had 100 earthquakes in a month
Svalbard hit by major earthquake
Volcano erupts in Japan

Lakewood, Fort Lewis start police liaison program
Why oh why, why in the world do we need an MP in our local police station? Will they give orders to the Police Chief in case of Martial Law?

Nobel-prize winner backs world currency
Oh yeah, that is a wonderful idea.

Ron Paul "We Need More Earmarks!"
The man from Texas explains earmarks.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Today's Update

Interesting theory, wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

Obama attack on oil & gas industry begins
I am totally convinced that they are pulling levers and pushing buttons in Washington with the sole purpose of pushing this country to revolution in order to declare martial law and usher in their one-world government (bank). Classic problem-reaction-solution metodology.

Fed Refuses to Release Bank Lending Data, Insists on Secrecy, Says it Isn’t Subject to FOIA Law
Ben Bernanke traitor
This statement has been overused but: The Federal Reserve is as federal as Federal Express.

Senator: Eligibility is up to the voters
I am truly embarrassed for the citizens of Florida, I cannot believe they have elected an official with such a flawed logic as this man. Senator Martinez, you really need to look up the definition between a democracy and a republic. The voters have no say in whether an individual is qualified to run or not.

U.N. to make ban on criticizing Islam mandatory?
If any idea, religion or otherwise, cannot stand up to scrutiny, then how valuable is that idea to start with?

Report: Israel nears attacking Iran
So do they have a bomb or not, the story changes every day.

Putin denies new world currency rumor
“The United States’ financial and political authorities would never surrender the dollar; they would fight to the end,” Yes Mr. Putin, we would, that is exactly why we have to be destroyed first.

NAIS ALERT: H.R. 814 will make NAIS federal law
And this is how they will make sure that you cannot feed your family.

FEMA Camps Outed on Fox
I linked this video earlier, but the author presents the conclusions very succinctly.

Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial in Poland
Don’t take the vaccine, pray that Sambucol gets you through it if you catch it. The vaccine might kill you.

Ark. Panel Rejects State Sovereignty Resolution
Yep, that’s it, people in Arkansas are clueless.

Thousands Gather To Protest New York Budget Cuts
Well, I haven’t seen this on the mainstream news.

The Groundwork Has Already Been Laid for Martial Law
Well this lays it all out.

HR 875 Would Essentially Outlaw Family Farms In The United States
Now, we can’t have you feeding yourself now, can we?

No Political or Judicial Support for 2A
Know this people, they will come for your guns.

Steeped in taxes and ready for tea
We might be having a tea party here before long.

America: an apathetic union?
This is sad, but this is what we have become, people so wrapped up in their own lives, they don’t know what is going on around them. These people are in for a rude awakening in the very near future.

Barack Obama 'too tired' to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown
Poor guy is just pooped. I guess he needs some more sleep.

How safe is your deposit box
Interesting what the government will do when they are broke.

This Is What A Collapse Looks Like
Ah, so this is where Iceland got the saucepan idea. I can see this here, only difference is we have guns, we’ll shoot back.

Vaccine maker's snafu sparks pandemic scare
American media are starting to pick up the story, and even now, Baxter’s stock is not dropping like it should. This should have been headlines considering it could have wiped out 60% of the population. Hmm, doesn’t the Bible say 2/3 of the world will die?

Smart Grid: Government spying targets Rural America
Off the grid is sounding more attractive every day.

The End of the World . . . As We Knew It
Key quote here, KEY QUOTE: “Hitler came to power when people lost hope in the government and financial markets.” CHOOSE YOUR LEADERS WELL!

Can you survive economic crisis?
Stock up people!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Today's Update

Everyone reading this, listen to me now, and listen close. A man told me in July when oil was at $140 dollars a barrel, that the price of a barrel of oil was going to $50 and that it would stay at that level or below for the rest of 2009. It happened. How did he know it? He knew this because he had been told that it was going to happen by someone on the inside. I tell you this as to testify to the veracity of this man. He knows what he is talking about and has been right about many other things in the past.

Now here is the important part. He was also told that in 9-12 months there would be a crisis so severe that it would take years for America to recover. Currently farmers are getting $3 a bushel for corn, unfortunately it is costing them $5.50 a bushel to raise it. Wheat is at $5 with $6 to $7 to raise it. In the outrageously stupid banker bailout bill, and the spendulus package there was no help for the farmers. What does that mean? That means that the farmers cannot afford to plant their crops. What does that mean for you and me? It means that come this fall, there will not be any food on the shelves. Ironically, that fits right into that 9 - 12 month timeframe. People, listen to me, stock up on food, figure out how to store it. You are going to need it. You have nothing to lose here if you stock up. You can always eat it later if this man is wrong, which I hope he is. If you don't stock up though, you do have everything to lose. Tell your friends, tell your family, buy food, buy precious metals (specifically silver) DO SOMETHING!

Minnesota Prepares For Martial Law - Building Military Check Points - Owned by UN Fema
Once again, not confirmed but wouldn’t surprise me a bit.

Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries

Publishers Crank Out Children's Books on Obama
“Rumbles of a larger presence?”

Oil falls below $44 on bleak US GDP, AIG news
Oil down to $25? I guess the Arabs aren’t going broke as quickly as the NWO would like.

U.S. soldier gagged on prez's eligibility
Did that order come from the Usurper-and-Chief?

Congressman: Audit the Fed's books
Call your congressman, support H.R. 1207, let’s see if this “depression” was caused by some creative accounting at the FED.

John Dean: Bush almost became an 'unconstitutional dictator'
And how many policies has Obama rescinded?

Six Minutes with the Renegade Economist - Michael Hudson Special...
I think it’s time for a Jubilee!

Glenn Beck Talking About FEMA Camps with Ron Paul
Everybody answers to someone Glenn, JFK answered, so did RFK, were you questioned by the same people? Did they demand you answer if you ran the story. You said, “They are making me say this, help,” tongue-in-cheek, but the proof will come if and when you air the story. Until then, count me with the conspiracy-theorists that think you were “leaned” on.

Strobe Weapons Go Black After 'Immobilization' Tests (Updated)
Great, something else for them to herd us with.

Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year
Most biblical scholars that study the prophecies in the Bible say that “Gog and Magog,” the Northern Kingdom that allies with the Muslims against Israel is Russia. Also nowhere in the prophecies, other than a vague reference to an eagle, can you tie any mention of the United States. Why is the only superpower in the world left out of the endtimes prophecies? Maybe because we are not around anymore.

FDIC’s Bair Says Insurance Fund Could Be Insolvent This Year
Yeah, this gives me a warm-fuzzy feeling too.

Long read, but spot on.

That’s a nice thought isn’t it?

'Say please' at U. S. border nets pepper spray
No slave, I will not say please, I will spray you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Today's Update

Why Do 160,000 Cats Each Year in the USA Develop Terminal Cancer at Their Vaccine Injection Sites

Even 'Dr. Doom' Is Scared: Economy Much Worse Than Roubini Predicted
What do you do when Dr. Doom is scared?

Did Hillary really pledge U.S. homes to China?
They claim that it is a rumor, but it would not surprise me one bit.

It's pitchfork time
As much as I detest the left-right paradigm, he is right here.

More military officers demand eligibility proof
I am not happy with Biden either, but let’s get to the bottom of this.

Clinton: U.S. to 'Vigorously' Pursue Creation of Palestinian State
Yeah that is a great idea, giving the Promised Land to someone other than the Jews. No way that will incur God’s wrath.

Glenn Beck Mentions FEMA Camps on Fox & Friends
Hmm, I wonder what Beck’s motives are, why has Rupert Murdoch not fired him yet?

EXCLUSIVE: 100,000 foot soldiers in cartels
Next stop for soldiers returning from Iraq? Afganistan, no…Mexico, we will have to invade to restore order. Key point from this article, Mexico has 130,000 soldiers, they believe the drug cartels have 100,000 foot soldiers.

Montana Has It Right On Second Amendment
Has your state adopted this kind of language yet? Watch the video link in the article.

Ukraine risks unrest as ills worsen
I have a plan for when this hits over here, do you?

CIA Agent Leaks FEMA Camps Intel
This is unconfirmed, but likely, take it as you will. But, know also this.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Today's Update

Calling All (Soon To Be) Criminals
From my cold, dead hands.

Mexico drug war prompts federal contingency plan
We will probably invade Mexico to restore order.

Obama's goal? Directed chaos
Order ab Chao.

U.S. Army To Buy $6 Million Of Riot Equipment“84–RIOT EQUIPMENT”? Rex 84? Coincidence?

America Goes The Way of the USSR
Da, it might be wise . . .

Supreme Court could decide the future of Tasers
These things kill people, outlaw them.

John Bolton at CPAC: The Benefits of Nuking Chicago
Holy crap! Evacuate Chicago!

Bloggers charge 'Tea Party' anti-stimulus protests are corporate front
Even more proof, is anything we see for real on the media?

Another Bright Shining Lie
Didn’t I say something to that effect last week?

Top Defense Officials: Iran Has Fissile Material for Nuke, but No Bomb Yet
Once again, which is it?

Report: Marine One Information Found on Computer in Iran
Hmm, I wonder if that guy got fired?

Dallasites turn in 147 guns in exchange for grocery cards
The stupidity of the general public knows no bounds.

The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012
Long read, pack a lunch.

Right.org: Bailout Prize Patrol
What do Americans do when we get screwed? We resort to humor and satire, this is pretty funny.

Surprise Asteroid Makes Near-Miss of Earth
Boy this gives me a warm fuzzy feeling!

Radio chip coming soon to your driver's license?
Coming soon to a microwave oven near me!

Carlos the Jackal to Obama: Help me find terrorist pal
Seriously, why is this man still president?

Laid-off professionals turn to "survival jobs"
It really is bad out there folks, if you have a job, be thankful and pray you keep it!

Great Depression Cooking Ep:1 - Pasta with Peas
Great Depression Cooking Ep:2 - Egg Drop Soup
Great Depression Cooking Ep:3 - Poorman's Meal
Great Depression Cooking Ep:4 - Peppers and Eggs (part 1)
Great Depression Cooking Ep:4.5 - Peppers and Eggs (part 2)
Great Depression Cooking Ep:5 - Cooked Bread
Great Depression Cooking Ep:6 - Depression Breakfast
Great Depression Cooking Ep:7 - Poorman's Feast
Learn from the old people in your family and community. We WILL need these skills again soon.

cnn - lou dobbs "2nd amendment under attack"
Buy guns, buy guns, buy guns.

Nationwide Ammunition Shortage Hits U.S.
Buy ammo, buy ammo, buy ammo.

3,000 Mexican soldiers arrive by convoy, planes
In an ironic twist, I look at these pictures and think, “Hey, can I get one of those guns. They are all sold out over on this side of the border.” There goes AG Holder’s whole argument about the assault weapon ban.

Obama Faction Again Shows Contempt for the Constitution
Change means doing whatever you want.

Conroe man dies after officers shock him with a Taser
The autopsy won’t mention the taser, this is why. These things kill people.

EU upholds Austria, Hungary right to ban GM crops
Why can’t the United States do this?

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