Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Today's Update

Is Another 9/11 Set to Unfold?
After I read this one, I had to post it, and post it today!  Is this why the border wasn't shut down?  Hunker down people!  I AM NOT READY!!!!!!  I hope he is not right!


Glenn Beck is a Neocon (Not a Libertarian)
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Glen Beck


Twenty Minutes with the President
Ok, I try to refrain from linking stuff from, a lot of the things they put out are out there in left field, but I could not let this one go by.  Evidently, Charlie Sheen wrote a fictional story in which he sat down with BHO and presented all the evidence surrounding the multitude of unanswered questions concerning 9-11.  Will they get answered….probably not….will Charlie Sheen end up at the bottom of a mountain in California in a burned out wreck of a sports car……probably.


Democrat Baron Hill: "This Is My Town Hall Meeting. I Set the Rules."
Guess what, it did end up on youtube and you look like an ugly word for a donkey.


Red Flag To Fly Over White House
Here's a brief history lesson from Chuck Baldwin on why we should not appease the Chinese.


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