Obama presidency endangered by flub
Bah who cares, he isn’t eligible anyway, where’s the birth certificate?
Fleeced! Obama's blanket 'stolen'
'We have a black president ... This was free,'
I guess he is going to pay your mortgage and fill your gas tank too. When do the reparations start?
Double Take: Obama Sworn-In Again
"The problem is, the second time he did it they couldn't find a bible in the Map Room, which is not technically necessary but the conspiracy theorists will make something of that."
I’ll make something of it, the POTUS takes the actual oath and doesn’t swear over a Bible? Why not? And another question, why was there not a Bible close by anyway?
Mexico police chief's head found in ice box
Mexico On Path To Becoming Bigger Security Threat Than Iraq
I have been hearing that Mexico is nearing a collapse, I would not be surprised at all considering things like this.
World Agenda: riots in Iceland, Latvia and Bulgaria are a sign of things to come
Don’t forget Lithuania, they are rioting there too....Yipee, pass the Molotov Cocktail!
Earliest weapons-grade plutonium found in US dump
And we expect the government to fix the economy, they can’t even keep up with weapons-grade plutonium!
Scientists Warn Of Huge Quake In US
This isn’t good.
In Ailing Delta, High Hopes Add to Burden For Obama
BHO’s honeymoon may be short-lived.
Just The Early Stages of Economic and Financial Collapse
This is good stuff.
Food banks: 30% rise in needy
Start stocking up now.
Inaugural prayer slam prompts Obama smile
So appropriate.
Nazi angel of death Josef Mengele 'created twin town in Brazil'
Blonde hair and blue eyes are not something that I think about when considering Brazilians. What was he doing?
YouTube: Glen Beck and Ron Paul on the Banking System
Good video, why didn’t Ron Paul win the nomination? So much truth in this video it is astonishing.
Obama adviser: White males need not apply
I guess I’m glad that I am not a white male construction worker.