Monday, November 16, 2009

Today's Update

Present Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Part1
Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Part2
Isn't that nice?

Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): "Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon"
Interesting that they have an outbreak of a new illness in the Ukraine now…huh?

Glenn Beck- Buckle Up, America- Something Is Coming Soon
A little more truth from the mouth of Glenn Beck, just don't believe all that he says!  Read the comments.


ABC's John Stossel Destroys/Pulverizes/Crushes Obama's anti-American 'Health Care' Plan
This is an interesting news segment.


What is Martial Law and how does it apply to you?
Wake up America!


Bohemian Bankruptcy - A tragedy by Drag Queen
Love that British humor!


CNBC - Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed, Global Currency, New World Order
Hmmm, I think I need to go trade my dollars for ammo.


The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues
Wow, here are some unanswered questions that I didn't even know needed answering.  Who are you Barry Sotero?


Lining up at Midnight at Wal-Mart to buy Food is part of the new Recovery.
This is a sad note to begin with, but now imagine what would happen if the checks didn't clear at midnight and you have a store full of people who think they are "entitled" to the food on the shelves.  I am glad I don't work at Wal-Mart.


100 new militia groups since Obama elected; watchdog alarmed
I never have like "mushrooms," but I hope we have more "Spring Rains," and we get more of these groups popping up.


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